VBV-Pensionskasse – your expert on occupational pension schemes

As the largest Austrian pension fund, VBV-Pensionskasse AG organizes the investment of capital and provides services for more than 300,000 employees and pensioners in Austria.

The following video gives a short overview of the pension fund system, contracts and contributions:

Your VBV pension plan

The Austrian pension system

Austrian pension system: three pillar model

In Austria, as in most other European countries, retirement provisions rest on the so-called “three pillar model”.

The first pillar: state pension plan

The state pension plan is the most important one. The involvement of all gainfully employed people is obligatory. The working population is financing the generation of pensioners. Therefore, it is important that there are enough (or significantly more) employed people in proportion to the number of retired people. The state scheme ensures a good basic provision in old age.

The second pillar: occupational or collective pension plan

The occupational or collective pension plan is financed by the employer and supported by the state.

The third pillar: private or individual pension plan

The private or individual pension plan is adapted to specific individual requirements (such as savings, life insurance, share funds etc.).

Pension funds are preferred partners for company pensions

One way to provide employees with an occupational retirement provision is via pension funds which by law have to be joint stock companies. There exist single- and multi-employer pension funds. The latter are not limited to a certain company and offer their services to any interested employer.

VBV-Pensionskasse AG is such a multi-employer pension fund. Together with its competitors is has become the preferred means for employers to secure occupational retirement for their employees as they offer (in the long run) higher returns, more transparency and more rights regarding the investment of the funds than other products in this sector.

Additional information about the Austrian pension system is offered here: Federal ministry of labour, social affairs and consumer protection

Downloads for employees

Downloads for pensioners